Resonance in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids

visokoAlex Putney, Guest
Waking Times

Archeological and geophysical research on monumental pyramids all over the globe have informed a significant turning point in our collective understanding of the great antiquity of human civilization on this planet. Among the many recent discoveries of buried pyramids in several regions of the world, a few densely populated European countries have yielded an array of spectacular surprises.

Entire complexes of ancient Paleolithic monuments have been uncovered by recognition of their highly geometric characteristics. A trio of low angle synthetic sandstone pyramids have been identified in Montevecchia, Italy in the foothills of the Alps, while a larger complex of six monumental stone structures with interlinking tunnels was discovered by Dr. S. Osmanagic in Bosnia’sVisoko Valley in 2005.

International recognition of the many archeological and geophysical studies conducted in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids has inspired hundreds of thousands of visitors to tour the location, which has since become the world’s largest concerted archeological excavation project. After initial denials by archeological authorities in government and Egyptology circles, Dr. Osmanagic has very convincingly uncovered and presented a remarkable complex of artificial architectural structures.

  • The most notable geometric features of the Visoko Valley sacred site can be easily appreciated from aerial surveys of the ancient complex of resonant stone structures, each having been shaped, façaded and terraced according to a clear design plan that accommodated the natural landscape. Previously named Visocica Hill, it is now recognized as the world’s largest pyramid, rising to 220m in height at an angle of 45°. The site was immediately recognized by Osmanagic for the exact orientation of the three planar faces of the pyramid to the cardinal directions. Designated as the Pyramid of the Sun, subsequent discoveries have revealed a large complex of monuments now known to including the Pyramid of the Moon, Temple of the Earth, Pyramid of Love, Pyramid of the Dragon and the Vratnica Tumulus.

    These massive ancient stone buildings functioned collectively with each other and with every other megalithic monumental site in the world, precisely geopositioned in alignment with a distribution pattern defined by this author during the same time period of the discovery of the Visoko Valley complex. The Sanskrit mandala represents this global resonance pattern to which all sacred sites conform, identified in previous research as the quadratic function [ zn+1 = zn2 ] corresponding to the spherical projection of infrasound standing waves transduced by the piezoelectric stones of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt.

    The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (43.977°N 18.176°E) is 1,199 miles from the Great Pyramid, comprising 4.82% or approximately1/21 of the Earth’s mean circumference of 24,892 miles. This sacred distance interval also corresponds to 1/4 of the 19.1% Fibonacci distance from the Great Pyramid to the temples of Angkor Wat (19.1 / 4 = 4.775). This geospacial relationship enables acoustic resonance between these giant monuments, designed to transduce planetary infrasound at 33 discrete frequencies well below the audible range of human perception. Infrasound recordings were obtained by Professor P. Debertolis (>10 Hz limit), showing highest intensity in the ultra-low frequencies. These imperceptible frequencies proceed in a slightly fluctuating structure at harmonic intervals of 5.6 Hz above and below 7.83 Hz.

    This special frequency threshold of 7.8 Hz corresponds to alpha brainwave patterns measurable by EEG and associated with relaxation, healing, lucid visualization and the threshold of dream states. The fundamental infrasonic resonance of the world’s pyramid network is presently anchored at 1.45 Hz, in the range of the human heartbeat at the 233m wavelength to which the Great Pyramid’s base length was calibrated. A water cavitation pump system, now inoperable, once drove the Great Pyramid at 1.45 Hz.

    Infrasound-induced ground fires ravaged the town of Peschici, on Italy’s Gargano Peninsula in July, 2007 (circled, above), having been spontaneously ignited by standing waves focused by the Great Pyramid:

    The thing that surprised him, was to acknowledge that… the flames seemed to gush from the earth itself. Without warning, while walking, you could see the smoke and immediately after that, flames arising from the ground. That’s it, out of nowhere. They managed to fix the situation by running back and forth for hours, with water buckets at hand, in order to put out the mysterious fires that seemed to escape from under the ground.

    Peschici, Italy (41.95°N 16.01°E) is 1,182 miles from the Great Pyramid, comprising 4.74% of Earth’s mean circumference distance. Ultra-low frequency observations can be easily made to verify this conclusion, yet those scientific authorities charged with investigating these piezoelectric fires have not been able to resolve the cause, totally unaware of imperceptible dangers threatening many communities in similar circumstances in Italy, especially Sicily, and at hundreds of other locations worldwide.

    Another set of clear patterns in the local distribution of the various megalithic monuments of the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids also confirms their calibration for efficient acoustic energy storing in the ultra-low frequency range of the human heartbeat. The 440m base length of the Sun Pyramid and its 220m height endow the monument with a fundamental resonant frequency of 1.5 Hz, matching the resting heartbeat frequency for the induction of tri-thalamic entrainment and collective telepathic consciousness.

    The distances between construction sites selected for these psychoacoustic monuments conform to integer multiples of this crucial 220m heartbeat wavelength. For example, the Vratnica Tumulus is 3,960m directly northeast of the Sun Pyramid (above), a distance that is 18 times the height of the Sun Pyramid (220 x 18 = 3,960). In turn, the apex of the Sun Pyramid is 2,200m from the apex of the Pyramid of the Dragon (below), or 10 times the chosen resonant wavelength (220 x 10 = 2,200).

    Continuing this distinct heartbeat wavelength dispersal pattern, the apex of the Pyramid of Love was constructed 440m from the apex of the Pyramid of the Sun, or twice the chosen 220m wavelength. The apex of the Pyramid of Love is 1,320m from the apex of the Temple of the Earth, a distance that comprises 6 times the chosen wavelength (220 x 6 = 1,320). In addition, the central axes of all three of these monumental structures, devoted to the Sun, Love and the Earth, conform to a perfect linear alignment. An underlying geometric plan for the entire complex has been exquisitely laid out.

    The apex of the Pyramid of the Dragon is situated precisely 2,200m from the apex of the Pyramid of the Moon. Constructed exactly along this alignment is the Temple of the Earth at a distance of 880m from the Pyramid of the Dragon (220 x 4 = 880) and 1,320m from the Pyramid of the Moon (220 x 6 = 1,320). These alignments and repeating proportional relationships apply to all of the valley’s major structures.

    Two low-angle tumuli recently discovered near the village of Ginje form a southeastern extension of the valley complex. The distance from the Pyramid of the Dragon to the first Ginje Tumulus is 1,760m, or 8 times the chosen wavelength (220 x 8 = 1760). Continuing along the same axis, the second Ginje Tumulus is located 440m from the first, and 2,200m from the Pyramid of the Dragon (above).

    These remarkably consistent patterns underlying the distribution of the Bosnian pyramids were not set in stone for the beauty of mathematical symmetry, but served a much more practical function involving ULF wave focusing for the synchronization of human consciousness. Atop the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, this focused energy field has been measured by various research teams as a 4.5m-wide energy beam emanating a strong 28 kHz signal from the apex. Transduction of infrasound intensifies ionization within the temples, enhancing bioelectrical conditions for cellular regenerationGeopolymer experts have identified the many blocks of the Bosnian pyramid as an advanced type of ancient concrete (below), akin to Roman concrete and the synthetic limestones of the Great Pyramid at Giza.

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    The great majority of the irregularly shaped casing blocks and multi-layered artificial concrete slabs effectively replicate the natural volcanic formation of breccia conglomerate comprising the bedrock below the Valley of the Pyramids. The many miles of rounded river stones and clay layers that line the valley were excavated from a complex system of tunnels below the pyramids, which are expected to link each of the five refaçaded mountain pyramids to one another, as is the case with many such complexes.

    During construction of the many monumental temples, thousands of tons of rounded river stones were excavated to create the tunnels and transported above ground for use as piezoelectric filler material in the hundreds of thousands of tons of high-grade ‘breccia’ cement slabs encasing the mountains. Layers of fine sand below the valley floor contributed piezoelectric quartz crystals that were mixed with various reactants and poured as fine-grained synthetic sandstones to form extensive multi-layered terraces.

    Several lengthy cement-covered platforms have been excavated on the four pyramids as well as on the conical earthen pyramid structure named the Tumulus of Vratnica (below). Analyses conducted on these stones in 2009 by the University of Zenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina determined that the massive blocks are synthetic in origin, being composed of gravel, poorly baked clay and dolomite/calcite carbonate that is mixed with water to form the active chemical component lime hydrate.

    The extreme hardness of these high-quality cements has been measured between 100-140 Mpa, exhibiting nearly twice the strength of industrial cement mixtures produced today. These findings parallel the prior research of Dr. J. Davidovits concerning the artificial stone geopolymers of the Great Pyramid at Giza, which present N-S magnetic polarization fixed during the setting process in situ.

    As the cement slurry was thoroughly mixed, chemical reactions take place between the caustic lime and water that generate heat, driving the process of evaporation and rapid setting. After being poured into a thick, damp clay-lined mold of the desired shape and allowed dry to hardness, particular color changes appear due to the absorption of water and iron. Along the cement-mold interface, an even band has been tinted brown-orange by iron that migrated into the liquid slurry with water that was absorbed from the iron-rich clays used to seal the inner surfaces of the reinforced molds (above).

    Extensive excavations and photographic documentation of the artificially produced concrete slabs of all sizes, from a few pounds to several tons, have yielded samples of organic material that can be readily dated by conventional RC-14 measurements. An approximate timeframe for the construction of the Pyramid of the Sun has been established by initial radiocarbon tests of organic samples embedded in the concrete during its deposition by the ancient Atlantean pyramid builders. Deep within the excavation of Trench 4A on the Pyramid of the Sun, the lower face of a large stone block preserved a partially fossilized leaf that yielded an approximate age of 24,800 years (±200 years).

    This astonishingly far-removed Paleolithic age determination has confirmed the conclusions of Dr. Osmanagic based on the significant depth of soil that has accumulated on top of these structures over the millennia since their disoccupation. Excavators working under the collective research efforts have removed small sections of the cement platforms to reveal the ancient construction techniques. Each level layer of cement was separated by a thin layer of clay, extending to 3m in depth (above).

    The structure of alternating layers of cement slabs and clay forms a composite material that mimics the structure of bone, which is strengthened by layers of hard platelets of hydroxyapatite within a flexible collagen matrix. In addition to the plasticity and adhesion contributed by the clay layers, their capacity to absorb and hold water also enhances the piezoelectric properties of the massive monuments.

    Such clear and consistent results from the testing of the cements of the Bosnian pyramids, and their consistency with analyses being conducted on pyramid and megalithic structures all over the world indicate that all great civilizations of the human past possessed an extremely advanced knowledge of geopolymer chemistry for the optimization of the piezoelectric induction of planetary resonances.

    Concurrent discoveries of a multitude of giant stone spheres located in rivers and forests throughout the region surrounding the Valley of the Pyramids in Bosnia has paralleled very similar discoveries in the vicinity of pyramids sites in the Yucatan Peninsula and Guatemala, suggesting a direct technological connection between pyramid structures and the stone spheres. Furthermore, the aforementioned geopolymer studies will eventually be applied to clarify the origin of the stone spheres, which were most likely cast in spherical molds by these same ancient Atlantean geopolymer experts.

    Another parallel between the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids and Mesoamerican pyramid complexes is the presence of subterranean tunnel systems below the monumental structures. Every well-excavated ancient pyramid site in the world has been associated with underground passages that function as extensions of the healing chambers built within the pyramids. Used for much more than their control of access to particular portions of the sites, such tunnels were known for their healing influences related to bioelectrification of the human body and the purification of sacred underground water sources.

    Ongoing excavations below the Valley of the Pyramids in Bosnia have located, cleared and reinforced dozens of kilometers of a complex tunnel network that appears to have been constructed as a labyrinth. Now known as the Ravne, the tunnel entrance is located just two kilometers from the Pyramid of the Sun, and extends in a meandering maze leading in the general direction of the pyramid (above).

    Several years of excavation and clearing of loose rock debris filling the Ravne maze have uncovered many surprises, including pure, drinkable water, the common appearance of plasma orbs in flash photographs, and the primary quandry as to when and why the tunnel system was entirely filled in during a secondary occupation phase. The ancient origin of artifacts interred in the tunnels by the refilling work has been determined from a waterlogged wood fragment recovered from one of the tunnel walls.

    Analyses conducted by Professor Ana Pazdur at the Gliwice Radiocarbon Laboratory returned a date for the blackened wood fragments estimated at 34,800 years old (±1500). Further testing on the materials was conducted by A. Lawler at the Leibnitz-Laboratory for Radiometric Dating and Stable Isotope Research at Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany, providing an age estimate of 30,600 years (+540/-510). Given that the accuracy of these radiocarbon dating techniques is limited by the great antiquity of the Ravne wood samples, the results obtained by two different laboratories are consistent with each other, providing approximate dates for the tunnels’ construction.

    The tested wood fragments were photographed before removal from the compacted layer of filler material that was removed from an area 10m from one of several large, rounded blocks lying on the floor of the original passage. While first assumed to be natural mudstones, these enigmatic items were later identified as megaceramic slabs that were sculpted by the ancient builders of the Ravne maze (above). Shaped like giant undulating pillows, their smooth forms reflect ergonomic qualities consistent with a practical function as piezoelectric semiconductor platforms for bioelectrical qi healing practices.

    Analyses of samples from the smooth ceramic platforms conducted at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute for Atomic Physics in Zagreb, Croatia determined the fine ceramic composition to be man-made in origin. The same caustic chemistry that induces thermosetting in geopolymer cements was likely adapted for solidifying the megaceramic platforms, some of which weight 8 tons, yet do not display any of the discoloration typically caused by oven firing processes. The massive platforms perpetually resonate at frequencies between 28-33 kHz, transducing negative ion concentrations measured at various positions within the Ravne tunnel system by Dr. Osmanagic and B. Bric using a conventional air ion counter:

    At the entrance to the Ravne tunnel, the concentration was recorded at 400 negative ions per cubic centimeter of air. At 40 meters’ distance into the tunnel, the concentration was recorded at 3,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter of air. At 220 meters’ distance into the tunnel, the concentration was recorded at 18,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter of air.

    Many of the megaceramic forms are inscribed with Paleo-Sanskrit glyphs that have sustained damage and are illegible, yet a few key passages of text can be clearly observed and translated according to the Schildmann decipherment. These few legible sections of script marking the megaceramics provide strong evidence for their advanced bioelectrical function within the tunnels and pyramid chambers.

    One surviving example of the megaceramic glyph texts was photographed during its uncovering from a layer of sandy soil, thereby providing evidence of the markings’ genuine antiquity. As with many such ancient stone texts, the inscription specifies the function of the object itself, in this case reading: adhi kara kar-as raua-as kar-as –“Delivering the action of workings, for thundering workings” (above). This phrase directly identifies the megaceramics as concentrating negative ions, still measurable in our day as highly effective piezoelectric transducers of infrasound in the extensive tunnel systems.

    In addition to the high quartz content of hard river stones that comprise the conglomerate of the valley’s bedrock, the megaceramic transducers significantly contribute to the remarkable acoustic resonance of the Ravne system, which has been investigated in the context of human vocal resonances by researchers in 2012. High-quality recordings of ancient chants performed by Denise Myriam Cannas demonstrate the extraordinary acoustic conditions that inform the primary purpose behind the entire monumental complex at this resonant location where layers of crystalline stones form thick bedrock.

    Every material used by these ancient builders of the Atlantean culture were selected from natural deposits or carefully manufactured for their resonant characteristics that would benefit the human body. Indeed, every practical tool and every artwork were designed as resonant ‘wireless’ electrical healing devices that may have served secondary functions, each based on its particular form.

    Ploughing of cultivated fields surrounding the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun has uncovered synthetic sandstone artifacts that repeat the same enigmatic phrases embedded in the design and pictographic composition of Paleo-Sanskrit artifacts from the Illinois cave archive and the Caria, Italy collection. One rectangular limestone block bares a repeating vertical column of glyphs reading: kar-as kar-as kar-as kar-as kar-as upama –meaning “Workings, workings… of the highest” (opposite). The specific geometric pattern of lines cast in low relief on this synthetic sandstone block are also embedded in an Atlantean limestone statue from Caria, Italy of a woman holding a plant, identifying the beneficial influence of planetary infrasound resonance focused onto those specific locations by the Great Pyramid.

    A model terracotta pyramid was also discovered in 2008 by students from Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, Germany excavating at Donje Mostre in the Valley of the Pyramids. Partly fragmented, the artifact in the form of an inscribed four-sided pyramid was radiocarbon dated to the Neolithic period, being approximately 6,500 years old. Each face of the pyramid presents a repeating pattern of clearly inscribed Paleo-Sanskrit glyphs that have escaped recognition by archeologists and epigraphers alike.

    The repeating lines of glyphs describe the diminishing intensity of planetary infrasound resonance transduced by the global pyramid network, reading: ris kar ris kar ris kar ris kar –meaning “Diminishing works, diminishing works, diminishing works…” (above). This repeating phrase echoes the regretful sentiments of many Atlantean descendent cultures that retained knowledge of the function of the pyramid network and still expressed themselves in passages of Paleo-Sanskrit language. This reference to the pyramids’ dysfunctional status suggests these Neolithic residents of the Valley of the Pyramids were responsible for refilling segments of the Ravne tunnels as they refit the facilities for renewed use.

    A geometric amulet baring Paleo-Sanskrit figures was also recently recovered from fields near the Visoko Pyramid of the Sun. Made of a ceramic-cement composite, the small amulet displaying a set of three glyphs reading: nau ya-as upama * –“Spaceships striving for the highest one” (opposite). Similar in size to amulets worn on necklaces discovered at several other Paleo-Sanskrit occupation sites, this votive token would rather have been carried in one’s hand, pocket or pouch and quite possibly used as a seal for stamping the glyph text into wet clay (to be read from right to left).

    The ergonomic consideration of sculptural form seen in the megaceramic platforms is also witnessed in the design of small personal tokens made by Atlantean cultures in every part of the world. Items that fit in the palm of the hand or under the feet were always shaped to caress the human form, and transduce the powerful infrasound resonance that was once focused onto the Pyramid of the Sun by the tri-frequency driving of the Giza pyramids in full operation. The majority of the Bosnian pyramid complex’s extensive cement terraces and walkways were not flat, but had been individually cast with slightly rippling surfaces that conform to the contours of the foot for greater contact with the bare soles for electrification.

    Handheld piezoelectric sculptures enhanced the field effects around the human body, acting as an extension of the healing induced by the pyramid stones. A small sandstone artifact from Visoko displays a smooth pattern of regular ridges that fits very comfortably in the grip of either hand, showing three parallel ridges resembling the Paleo-Sanskrit glyph for ‘thundering’: raua(above). Atlantean artistic designs commonly include embedded glyph ligatures that describe the function or meaning of the item.

    The raua glyph motif makes a more subtle appearance in the simple design of a life-size sandstone sculpture of a human foot that was excavated from below a depth of 1m on the Tumulus of Vratnica (above). Lines delineating the five toes of the foot extend along the entire length of the orange stone, three of which stand out clearly together and may perhaps represent the ‘thundering’ glyph. This interpretation reflects the close association of barefoot contact with the pyramid stones for bioelectrical induction by the thundering of planetary infrasound resonance.

    The meaning of such subtle artistic references are certainly open to interpretation, yet these obvious repeating cultural patterns expressed in their choice of resonant piezoelectric materials and close alignment with ancient Vedic healing methods and prescribed ‘sacred’ lifestyles that have been strictly adhered to by indigenous communities in many parts of the world. The natural wisdom of ancient ways rings true to the deeper aspects of human consciousness that are resurfacing with our present unification of the diverse fields of scientific inquiry.

    The powerful circular awareness of our Paleo-Sanskrit forbearers was firmly grounded by their root awareness of the cycles of reincarnation that govern human spiritual migration through time according to the rhythms of the cosmos. Our growing interest and awareness of the highly advanced technology of these gigantic pyramids that have lain dormant right under our noses for thousands of years without stirring the Atlantean memory of the catastrophic events that forced a once powerful civilization into total oblivion.

    The complex Atlantean calendar system has been carefully maintained by the Maya Elders of the Yucatan region, designed to track the cyclical interactions of the planets and their dominance over human consciousness through their granting of natural bioelectrical healing. Our intuitive enjoyment of the electromagnetic fields of waterfalls, mountain peaks and caves is closely linked with our fascination and enjoyment of the electromagnetic environment of monumental pyramids. Continuing experimental investigations of the beneficial effect of direct physical contact with the Ravne maze platforms and the Bosnian pyramids will inspire qi healing experiments and further studies of the piezoelectric potential of the human body that underlies the primary Kundalini function of our ancient monuments.

    About the Author

    Alex Putney was born and grew up on St. Croix, in the Virgin Islands, finding the ways of the sea and nature’s living web at a formative time in his life. The harmony of wave motion and the rhythms of nature have informed his work from the earliest stages, through his education at the University of Toronto Schools and the School For the Arts at Boston University. After earning a BFA in Sculpture in 2000, Alex moved to the San Francisco Bay area with the support of grants from the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation (’08, ’00).

    Awarded a Hayes-Brandeis Traveling Fellowship in 2001-02, he spent the year among the most ancient mummies of the world in the archeological collections of the Museum of San Miguel de Azapa near Arica, Chile.

    In 2004, Putney produced a 35’-tall giant human skeleton replica for the Unsolved Mysteries exhibition, as a permanent exhibit at Mystery Park in Interlaken, Switzerland. Alex’s work with ancient psychoacoustic instruments from Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru became the impetus for his 7 books on the pyramids, Ayurveda and biorhythmic resonance. The ultraviolet fluorescent artifacts of La Maná, Ecuador inspired integration of the diverse fields of quantum mechanics, acoustic archaeology and biology within the framework of his standing wave mathematical theory of Magnetic Resonance.

    The latest findings of physicists continue to support Alex’s conclusions. Putney’s inspired geometric rendering of quantum quadratic formulae accurately predicted the standing wave structure of the electron 2 years prior to its definitive imaging by a Swedish research team in 2008. Correlation of modern radar data, anomalous events and ancient Sanskrit teachings validate the theory of Magnetic Resonance as an underlying mechanism of the hyper-dimensional shift we are now experiencing together on this planet.

    Putney’s latest book ‘Qi’ presents his holistic synthesis of the research of geologist W. Lussage and biochemist C.L. Kervran, revealing the phonon resonance mathematics of low energy atomic transmutations that occur throughout nature and the human body.

    This paradigm-shifting work presents the first complete explanation for the primary biophotonic functions of blood circulation and thermoregulation in all classes of organisms, providing new insight into the fundamental role of nuclear energy in all living cells. In this new light, ancient pyramids are revealed as bioelectrical transducers enabling qi healing practices by enhancement of atomic reaction cascades in the bloodstream, observable as rapid flashes of plasma around the healer’s body.

    Alex has given several online interviews, while his artwork, writing and website have been featured in the UK’s County Times online journal, in DNA Monthly Magazine edited by Sol Luckman, and in a publication of The Natural World Museum, San Francisco (now closed): Art in Action: Nature, Creativity and Our Collective Future (Earth Aware Editions, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-932771-77-0)

    Now living and developing projects with the celestial waters of La Maná, Ecuador, Alex continues to publish new artwork, articles and books through his website, offering a deeper perspective on the present shift in human consciousness and planetary resonance.

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    **This article was originally featured at Human-Resonance.**

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