Important Keys to Manifestation and Energy Return

Flickr - Transformation - h.koppdelaneyIda Lawrence, Contributor
Waking Times

The work that you do is not what you’d love to do, but you do it because you have to… and you wish you didn’t have to. That’s the uncomfortable feeling within the mind/heart of many of us. Some of us are not only doing work that that we don’t love, but we are helping to maintain a system that we would rather not maintain. Our heart yearns to be life-giving and not life-taking.

So today we’re going to talk about manifesting things that assist in the renewal of beauty, good health, liberated spirit, real knowledge, natural balance, joy and love in life… plus a fair energy exchange for doing what you love to do. Let’s just investigate the process of manifestation, with an eye on the foundation, the deviation points, and the ‘bam – it’s a homerun’.

So, first I’m going to give some examples regarding the foundation for making things happen.

My husband had a friend who loved to dream of doing good. He also loved to play cards with his buddies, and he didn’t like to work too hard. I remember visiting with him once, and listening to him describe his plans of buying the building across the street and renovating it into low-income apartments… he had ‘dreamed in’ every detail. His good ideas were backed up by… no money, no energy, no chance. So, lesson 1: size your dream in accord with your energy.

Another surefire way to fail is to trip at the starting point. I was working with a friend in an effort to bring together community leaders for a project. The idea was great, the outcome would have been beautiful and doable, and she was in charge. I soon saw the handwriting on the wall, as the task of organizing meeting #1 could not be achieved. The obstacle? She was chronically dissatisfied with meeting spaces… ego got in the way. So, the initial burst of creative energy was lost. Lesson 2: act when that start-up energy is strong– go with the best you’ve got!

  • I know a very successful young man who owns his own company and runs it well, but he harbors a dream of creating a totally different business… he believes in healthy, organic, non-GMO foods for his kids. He has everything needed to make his dream of a restaurant come true, including the great idea, the business acumen and the money. So what’s stopping him? The decision to do it… the step off the cliff. So, lesson 3: if you’re unable to take the step, then maybe it’s not your heart’s desire after all.

    Now let’s get down to the deviation points. Years ago I read Gurdjieff’s law of octaves and the significance of intervals, and I gave it thought and watched to see if there was something to it. The pattern, which he said is universal, is a seven tone musical (or vibration) scale with two intervals or retardations. This octave concept when placed over something that you’re attempting to manifest, can be helpful, especially if you have noticed in past efforts how things tend to go.

    There are times when energy is strong and focused; times that are stretched out and tedious; and there are decision moments where our direction is altered subtly without us noticing. And there is a hard push or a collapse right before the next octave. I’ve kept this law of octaves in mind while writing three different books and going through a number of experiences that took time and required endurance. By being conscious of the failure points, I have been able to stay on course.

    So, let’s say you have the foundation: your dream is the right size for you, the start-up energy is strong, and you’re ready to step into it. You’ll step on to the C note of the musical scale, and move up. It’ll be a fairly easy climb utilizing the half-steps… C#, D and D#, and you’ll get a lot done. By the time you get to E, you will have used up that initial charge of energy and achieved enough progress to see what lies ahead.

    This is the first point where you may deviate from your plan. You’re stepping from the E note to F, and there is no half-step. What happens psychologically here? You can see the tremendous amount of work ahead, and in come the doubts. You wonder if you have the capability… are you good enough, or is your product good enough, or is your relationship good enough. Whatever it is you’re doing, you question it. Some people give up at this point or revise the plan.

    You decide you’re going to stay on course and you have four more notes left… they all have half-steps. So you move more slowly now: effort, effort, and the long stretch. Your excitement has diminished a bit and you’re using will power, skill, problem-solving, research. Eventually you start to see the end and you gear up and focus on the details… this has to be done right. You take your time and proudly reach the B note.

    Here you are between B and the beginning of the next octave… the C note. In between there is no half-step. This is the collapse or succeed time and sure enough it seems like the universe delights in sending a monkey wrench. If you’re writing a book, the publisher wants a re-write, if you’re creating a product your supplier raises the price… the variations are endless but the last-minute challenge is there.

    You’ve done the long stretch and your energy is almost depleted. Once you decide to dig deep, things will begin to fall into place. And the funny thing is, by making the adjustments you will see an improvement. You have to see the challenge not as an assault, but as a refinement. Then you’re on to the next octave and the process repeats.

    Don’t you think it’s kind of cool to look at things that way? For me, it helps a lot with manifestation.

    Now, I’ve seen people wake up in the morning with a new idea, by noon they’re at work making it happen, they work it out with ease, put their idea ‘out there’, it succeeds brilliantly and there’s the energy return… coming in like crazy. I figure these people must have tapped into a stream of light, meant to be and meant to flow. I don’t see any law of octaves there, it’s just ride the flow. And besides that, they’re probably angels in disguise.

    So, whatever you intend to do, whatever your heart desires of good, may you enjoy great success with the law of octaves, or ride the flow like an angel.

    About the Author

    Ida Lawrence is an author, blogger, copywriter and editor based in Atlanta, Georgia. She has authored two books on racial justice and human rights, and numerous articles on human rights, self-empowerment and related subjects. Ida is also a certified Tai Chi instructor with a special interest in helping seniors and the disabled with Tai Chi and Chi Kung practices modified for their use. Her goal in life has been to find answers to the question of ‘why’ and then to explore the question of ‘what is’. More of her work is available at her personal blog,

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