What Everyone Needs to Know About Monsanto Before It’s Too Late
Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times
Sometimes called Mon-satan, there is a reason that people are up in arms about Monsanto, more than any other Big Pharma company. Monsanto is to be dealt with swiftly – more than Dow Chemical, more than Syngenta, more than the hundreds of other companies that have been against GMO labeling. The genetically modified seed that Monsanto is selling to farmers constitutes more than 90% of the total GMO food crops in the United States. This is called a monopoly. Just last year a report published by the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) stated that 420 million acres of GMO had been planted, in 28 countries worldwide. Since 1996 GMO crops have been grown on over 3.7 billion acres. This is no accident. Monsanto has a plan.
It’s been a grand scheme for over 20 years. It’s about more than potatoes and corn, soy and sugar cane. Monsanto is trying to control the entire food supply chain. It’s better than nuclear warfare, more evil than the arm’s trade. If Monsanto controls the seed, every seed, from trees to oranges, to cauliflower and rice, okra, mustard, and so on, royalties will be collected on Mother Nature herself. What was once free to the world, heirloom seeds that grow into everything from bamboo trees to broccoli, becomes a commodity controlled by a corporation.
It all started with the ‘revolving door’ policies in the White House, which has been exerting control over law makers’ decisions, specifically through one Michael Taylor. Taylor once worked for Monsanto as an attorney and was also appointed the deputy commissioner for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1991, only later to rejoin Monsanto as their Vice President for Public Policy. It is beyond a conflict of interest. Monsanto and the White House have been sleeping in the same bed for two decades.
The intimate relations of people like Taylor with the US government are what have allowed Monsanto to slowly spread their ‘seed’ into as many countries as possible, in order to try to slowly take over the entire food chain. Even in the early 1990’s other members of the FDA warned that GMO seed could cause ill-effects to the public’s health, but those concerns were stifled through marketing campaigns and general disinformation.
Now, companies like Coca-Cola, Campbell’s, Hershey’s, Godiva, Sara Lee, Hormel, Del Monte, Smucker’s, Mars, Wrigley, Heinz, Kellogg’s, Pepsi-Co, Dole, and Smithyfield, among others are happily supporting the gag-order instituted by Monsanto. They unite against any political campaigns that would allow American’s to know exactly what is in their food: the GMO seeded food-stuff (because it isn’t really food) that causes cancer, liver failure, strange allergies, and reproductive failure.
This has been the plan since the early 1990s. It is coming to a head now because Monsanto is even planting crops without the permission of the FDA, knowing full well that the more seed they plant, the more it will spread. While labeling is a great idea, and more than 60 countries already require it, including all of Europe, Japan, Australia, Russia, and China, it doesn’t solve the problem of GMO seed taking over the world. If GMO is all that is planted, we will be forced to pay Monsanto royalties – “Agribusiness giant Monsanto, wants farmers to pay a royalty to plant any seed that descended from a patented original.” While this is clearly an illegal tactic, it is one the Supreme Court has recently upheld.
Furthermore, the GMO seeds that Monsanto has so strategically planted are now taking over organic fields. The contamination is part of the plan. Crops that are wind and insect pollinated are more at risk than others of being cross-bred with GMO seeded crops, leading to more ‘patented’ food for which Monsanto can charge farmers for planting. Two western Australian farmers recently talked about just how easily Monsanto GMO seed had contaminated their nearby organic farms after a big storm.
We can’t wait for food labeling bills. By then it will be too late. We can’t wait for the FDA to decide to get its hands out of Monsanto’s pants and start protecting the food supply for the American people, as their mission statement says that they are required to do. We have to stop Monsanto now, before all the crops in the world are contaminated with their ‘patented’ seed. It is creating crops that will make us sick and cancerous, and it’s giving the company control over the global food supply. It has to stop now – with radical acts, like the recent burning of GMO seed in China, Hungary, and Haiti. It is time for some radical taking-over of our land and a complete cease and desist order for agri-business. It starts with small farmers saying no to GMO seed and stopping Monsanto in their tracks. They’ve already been allowed to gain too much traction in their evil plot to control the world.
About the Author
Christina Sarich is a musician, yogi, humanitarian and freelance writer who channels many hours of studying Lao Tzu, Paramahansa Yogananda, Rob Brezny, Miles Davis, and Tom Robbins into interesting tidbits to help you Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.
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