Tommy Chong Beats Prostate Cancer with Hemp Oil and Proper Diet

Tommy-ChongWaking Times

Last June, the famous comedian, actor and pro-marijuana legalization advocate, Tommy Chong, reported to the world that he had been diagnosed with stage 1 prostate cancer and that he was seeking unconventional treatment using Cannabis Oil. Almost one year later, Tommy is feeling better than ever and is cancer free.

Tommy’s recent announcement, in a blog post, about his successful battle with cancer is a huge boon to those battling this illness and many others, and also for those fighting for the common-sensical liberation of this promising natural medicine:

“After I came out with the news last June that a cancer doctor told me I had prostrate cancer and suggested a high frequency treatment that is not approved in America and could only be done in Mexico at the cost of $25,000, I immediately looked at alternatives. I contacted my nephew in Vancouver, who was about to become a doctor, and he suggested I meet with a Dr. McKinnon in Victoria, BC. That doctor changed my diet and put me on supplements, and within a year I brought my PSA numbers down drastically and eliminated the cancer threat. I also treated the condition with hemp oil (hash oil). With the diet, the supplements and the hash oil, plus a session with a world-renowned healer, Adam Dreamhealer, I’m cancer-free. That’s right, I kicked cancer’s ass! So the magic plant does cure cancer with the right diet and supplements. I’m due for another blood test, MRI, etc., but I feel the best I’ve felt in years. And now for a celebration joint of the finest Kush…” [CelebStoner]

This case, and Tommy’s choice to seek this alternative, but, viable and natural treatment, highlight how important the battle for legalization is for many people sick with ailments that can be treated effectively without damaging invasive procedures or expensive and debilitating regiments of chemotherapy, radiation and pharmaceuticals. There is much more to legalization than people just wanting to get ‘high’. As Tommy stated in 2012:

“I’ve got prostate cancer, and I’m treating it with hemp oil, with cannabis,” Chong said. “So [legalizing marijuana] means a lot more to me than just being able to smoke a joint without being arrested.”

For someone in Tommy’s position, seeking alternative treatments outside of the Unites States was an open option, yet for many of the over 12 million Americans who are fighting cancer, leaving the US for treatment is simply not an option, even though the costs of one month of conventional cancer treatments can reach an absurd $10,000 or more, for a single month.

Advocate and healer Rick Simpson explains how Cannabis Oil can cure cancer and other serious illnesses in his important documentary, Run From the Cure:

In addition to the powerful medicine Cannabis, a proper diet is also critical to beating cancer. Many cancer patients in the US are prescribed dangerous procedures and chemo/radiation, but doctors rarely mention the importance of an alkaline diet, and will often recommend eating regular, processed and inorganic foods while undergoing treatment.

  • The cat is out of the bag that Cannabis and good food cure cancer, and the race is on to see who can bring access to medical marijuana to the public. Already, pharmaceutical companies are rushing to patent various chemical components of the plant, so it is already clear that the future of modern medicine will have to include this humble plant.


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