It’s On: The Next Flu Pandemic Fear Campaign Is Quietly Evolving And It’s Well Underway

Flickr - Flu Pandemic - Abode of ChaosDave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

They have it down to a science. The orchestrators of flu pandemic fear campaigns know precisely how much lead time they require to initiate a launch before the start of the next flu season. It turns out, that period is about seven months. This time it’s about a mutated bird flu strain called H7N9. However, there is no vaccine out for it yet and there probably won’t be because the orchestrators already have a plan in the works for what will be claimed as another mutation of a strain which there has been a vaccine in development for the past few years. Regardless, their attempts will be futile just as they were during the swine H1N1 flu fear mongering saga which made global headlines in 2009. Here’s an overview of how H7N9 has evolved so far and my prediction of what’s to come for the 2013/2014 flu season.

In February, I reported of confirmed cases of SARS-like viruses as well as upgraded flu viruses in circulation. Some people have a natural resistance to many types of viral strains while others can be affected several times in a period of weeks. A shocking discovery was that scientists noticed that hand sanitizations were doing little if anything to prevent transmission.

World Health Organization (WHO) issued an international alert in September 2012 for a virus belonging to the same family as SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – an engineered coronavirus that killed about a tenth of the 8,000 people it infected worldwide. 

H1N1 – Flu Pandemic Fear Mongering At Its Best

In 2009, at almost the exact same time of the year (April), the makeup of the H1N1 influenza flu strain spanned three continents with a genetic mixture from avian, swine and human flu viruses. Mounting evidence pointed to a conspiracy that the swine flu in its current configuration, was cultured in a lab and is not natural by any means.

Though the World Health Organization (WHO) referred to the situation as a “public-health emergency of international concern,” the apparent emergence in several countries of this entirely new strain of flu virus had led some scientists to be very suspicious as to how it originated and what announcements would follow.

  • One month earlier in March 2009, it was revealed that an American company, Baxter was caught shipping vaccines with live avian flu virus, which many top health and political experts were questioning.

    It didn’t take very for the WHO to announce a Phase 5 alert meaning there was a sustained human-to-human spread in at least two countries and that global outbreak of the disease was imminent. It also signaled an increased effort to produce a vaccine.

    On the day following the WHO’s Phase 5 Pandemic Alert, a scientist attached to the European Union’s Centre for Disease Control and Prevention hinted, without evidence, that the epidemic could potentially affect up to 40% of the EU population. Similar comments were echoed across the world by top health officials in other nations including Canada, US and Australia.

    As the flu did start to spread it became readily obvious to most of the world (except national and international government agencies) that H1N1 was not a serious threat and that the consequential vaccine developed for the virus was a much greater threat risk the the flu itself.

    The CDC and WHO were eventually exposed for manipulating data, promoting falsehoods, continually misinforming the public and using all forms of media to publicize “a deceptive plan”, through effective strategies being deployed to extend a massive psychological operation to world populations.

    Neurolingusitic programming (NLP) was instrumental in how flu fears would spread across the world. NLP is the use of word-meanings, which describes how the language of our mind produces the qualities of our behavior. It is a powerful way to control and manipulate individuals and populations who support and rely on ego-belief systems for security and sense of self. That’s one of the reasons there are so many medical dramas and shows about how wonderful mainstream medicine is for our culture.

    If you ever need a sleeping aid or have lots of time to filter through a few hundred articles on how the H1N1 psychological operation propagated through the masses, check out the PreventDisease Flu Pandemic archive.

    Evolution of The New Breed – H7N9

    A Chinese Air Force officer recently accused the U.S. government of creating the new strain of bird flu now afflicting parts of China as a biological warfare attack.

    People’s Liberation Army Sr. Col. Dai Xu said the United States released the H7N9 bird flu virus into China in an act of biological warfare, according to a posting on his blog.

    The charge was first reported in the state-run Guangzhou newspaperSouthern Metropolis Daily and then picked up by several news outlets in Asia.

    This latest avian influenza virus strain is still considered a low pathogenic avian influenza virus…at least in its feathered hosts.

    H7N9 is similar to its closer cousins, H7N2, H7N3 and H7N7 and its more distant cousin H5N1 in that they are all influenza viruses (IFAV) and they usually infect birds. However they always seem to make headlines in the news somewhere as the ‘flu season’ begins, spikes or is otherwise noteworthy in one hemisphere or the other.

    I already detailed how a compilation of research has exposed the entire flu season as one big scam perpetrated by national and international governments. The highest levels of conspirators orchestrate mass media campaigns while deliberately causing illness through national aerial spraying and inoculation schedules.

    Like all respiratory viruses, repeat infection by the same “strain” is highly likely over a lifetime. Vaccines and antivirals don’t stop a virus from being breathed in and contrary to mainstream medicine, they certainly don’t interrupt a virus from doing its job.

    This strain of H7N9 is an IFAV that has evolved in birds. However, when cases of infection by it were reported for the first time in humans (China, Feb-March 2013). Since then, cases slowly but continuously climb, at an increasing rate. Because there is a delay between illness onset and laboratory confirmation of 10-13 days, the newest cases started have illness onset dates some way back making it is still hard to judge the impact of control measures.

    China’s health authority said humans are at a very low risk for contracting the lesser-known H7N9 bird flu. The virulence and transmission capacity of the H7N9 was not determined at that time due to limited clinical cases and research data on the virus.

    On March 31, 2013, China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission notified the WHO of three cases of human infection with H7N9 bird flu.

    The WHO’s statement said that the cases were confirmed on Friday by Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Laboratory testing for influenza H3N2, H1N1 and H5N1, as well as for novel coronavirus were negative.

    According to WHO announcements that week, the cases were reported from Shanghai and Anhui province. Respiratory tract infection with progression to severe pneumonia and breathing difficulties has been found in all three cases. Disease onset was between Feb 19 and March 15 2013. The two patients in Shanghai did not survive, and the third one from Anhui is currently in critical condition.

    As of yesterday’s date, a total of 63 H7N9 cases have been reportedacross China, with 24 in Shanghai, 17 in Jiangsu, 16 in Zhejiang, three in Anhui, two in Henan and one in Beijing. 14 People are dead.

    Questions Need Answering

    Dr. Ian Mackay at Virology Down Under has some very good questions that need answering:

    – How confidently can we directly associate death in the 14 H7N9-positive cases with H7N9 infection?

    – The H7N9 sequences are reportedly avian but there seem to be differences between Shanghai and Anhui strains and an element that shows adaptation to a human host. Does this mean there is more than one outbreak with perhaps differences in host adaptation or just a reminder of influenzavirus innate instability?

    – If the virus is not transmissable between humans, how did so many disparate cases occur?

    My main question is:

    Infection of poultry with influenza A subtype H7 viruses occurs worldwide, but the introduction of this subtype to humans in Asia has not been observed previously. What are the lineage origins of the gene segments of the novel reassortant human influenza A (H7N9) viruses?

    Once this is answered viral geneticists will be able to map together if this reassortmant is natural or lab created a la H1N1.

    Bird Flu Studies Halted in 2012

    In 2011, questions were raised over how much research on the dangerous H5N1 virus — or avian flu — should be published in scientific journals. H5N1 was not yet transmissible among humans, though scientists have created a strain that could pass between ferrets.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) had suggested in 2004 that an exchange of genetic material between H1N1 and H5N1 was a possibility due to the widespread nature of the virus.

    “This would be a catastrophic reassortment,” stated virologist Gregory Evans. “Depending on how H1N1/H5N1 recombine, if we incorporate the evidence we now have of indirect mixtures and antiviral resistance, the implications could be devasting.”

    In a move that could only be described as incredibly reckless, scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control had been conducting experiments in which they infect ferrets with both the H1N1 swine virus and the H5N1 bird flu virus to see if they will “reassort” and create a new hybrid flu virus.

    The rationale for these reckless experiments was that scientists wanted to know if a combination of H1N1 and H5N1 could become a “super flu” that would be both easily transmissible from human to human and highly fatal at the same time. Considering the fact that the World Health Organization says that over half of the people who have contracted H5N1 have died, the prospect of such a “super flu” developing is more than a little frightening.

    would published studies by scientists working to engineer a potentially human-virulent strain to study its behavior in lab animals — an important step to understanding the disease — effectively provide a recipe for creating the dangerous virus, some wondered. Would it pose a national security risk? Just how much research should be made available to the public? Could the virus escape from the lab?

    In response, the U.S. government asked the journals Science and Nature to withhold details on how these strains were created.

    Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, stated that all scientists and public health officials who need information on the virus would have access to the studies, should the full articles be limited to the public.

    Viral Origin and Evoluton – What’s Next?

    According to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, sequencing analyses revealed that all the genes from this virus are of avian origin, with six internal genes from avian influenza A (H9N2) viruses.

    “I can tell you this thing is real and definitely has the markings of being a killer,” says Jason Tetro, coordinator of the Emerging Pathogens Research Centre in Ottawa, which examined gene sequences from three of China’s H7N9 cases.

    “I don’t wish to cause panic,” Tetro said in an interview, noting that if the subtype were proven to have emerged from a small farm, he wouldn’t be much alarmed. Infecting a big poultry reservoir, on the other hand, might well enable H7N9 to access Asia’s wild bird population. The upstart subtype could then become as menacing as H5N1, which since 2005 has officially taken 371 lives in 622 cases, mostly in China, Southeast Asia and Egypt, according to the World Health Organization.

    Already, “the internal genes of H7N9 are very close to those of H5N1,” says Mike Coston, a widely read American flu blogger, in an interview. (Coston’s Avian Flu Diary noted on March 14 that a paper in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s Emerging Infectious Disease Journal had identified the Shanghai area as one well suited to breed a new genetic subtype of influenza.)

    So does H7N9 have pandemic potential? “I’d say that the majority of virus comes from H9N2, which many researchers have suspected could be the next pandemic. The makeup of this virus is similar to one that researchers have suspected could be the next pandemic. However it’s not quite there yet,” says Tetro. “We know that it is not spreading from human to human, but we know that in some cases, direct or close contact with poultry or birds is a route of infection.”

    genetic analysis of H7N9 portrays a virus evolving to adapt to human cells, raising concern about its potential to spark a new global flu pandemic.

    The collaborative study, conducted by a group led by Masato Tashiro of the Influenza Virus Research Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, and Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Tokyo, appears in the current edition (April 11, 2013) of the journal Eurosurveillance. The group examined the genetic sequences of H7N9 isolates from four of the pathogen’s human victims as well as samples derived from birds and the environs of a Shanghai market.

    “The human isolates, but not the avian and environmental ones, have a protein mutation that allows for efficient growth in human cells and that also allows them to grow at a temperature that corresponds to the upper respiratory tract of humans, which is lower than you find in birds,” says Kawaoka, a leading expert on avian influenza.

    Influenza virus depends on its ability to attach to and commandeer the living cells of its host to replicate and spread efficiently. Avian influenza rarely infects humans, but can sometimes adapt to people, posing a significant risk to human health.

    The Vaccine Connection For The Next Strain 

    Making a vaccine for the new H7N9 flu virus has proven problematic, influenza experts acknowledge. There hasn’t been enough time to produce even the seed strain to make H7N9 vaccine, let alone small batches of a prototype vaccine for testing. So researchers haven’t had a chance to see how a vaccine against this new flu strain might work in people.

    But clinical trials of vaccines made to protect against other viruses in the H7 family have shown the vaccines don’t induce much of an immune response, even when people are given what would be considered very large doses.

    “In all cases where these vaccines were trialed, it was found that the vaccines were poorly immunogenic,” said Nancy Cox, the virologist who heads the influenza branch at the U.S. Centers for Diseases Control in Atlanta.

    “And so this is a signal that we might be facing challenges with producing an immunogenic vaccine using this particular virus. But that remains to be determined.”

    Studies with previous H7 vaccines have shown poor responses in healthy adults who get a total of 180 micrograms of vaccine divided into two 90 microgram doses, said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

    That means that even with 12 times the dose people get for seasonal flu, healthy adults don’t get a great response to the vaccine. And given that the immune system wanes later in life, one would assume the challenge would be uphill from there.

    “If we can’t get a good response there” — with healthy adults — “the question is: Why would you ever expect a better response in the older population,” noted Osterholm, whose team produced a major report on flu vaccine last year, called the CIDRAP Comprehensive Influenza Vaccine Initiative.

    Countries with standing pandemic flu vaccine contracts are holding off on making a decision about whether to order H7N9 vaccine, watching how the outbreak unfolds. That’s where H9N2 come in.

    Since sequencing analyses revealed that all the genes from the virus had six internal genes from avian influenza A (H9N2) viruses, the potential for a lethal mutation which would conveniently play right into the hands of vaccine developers is very possible.

    H9N2 viruses have circulated in domestic poultry in Mainland China since 1994, and an inactivated vaccine has been used in chickens to control the disease since 1998.

    To understand the molecular evolution of the H9N2 viruses in Mainland China, the entire genomes of the 27 Chinese isolates and the North American strain, were completely sequenced.

    WHO Collaborating Centres of the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System have a document reporting the development, preparation and availability of H9N2 vaccines since 2011 of which the CDC (USA) and NIBSC (UK) are both involved.

    The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has issued a task order under an existing contract to Chiron Corporation of Emeryville, CA, for the production of an investigational vaccine based on an H9N2 strain of avian influenza virus that has infected humans.

    Based on the above evidence, my prediction is that the 2013/2014 flu season in the Northern Hemisphere is the next target for a massive flu vaccine campaign based on pandemic potential perhaps as large or larger than its predecessor in 2009. It will be based on an international announcment on the reassortment of the H7N9 flu strain likely involving H9N2, or a similar strain that infects humans and one that has been actively been pursued for vaccine development. Despite the orchestration that will soon unfold, it is up the alternative media to fire on all cylinders to foil this plan just as we did in 2009.

    My question to the orchestrators is very simple: If it didn’t work in 2009 what makes you think it will work in 2013?

    About the Author

    Dave Mihalovic is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.


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