Protecting Yourself From Electromagnetic Fields – Earthing and Detoxifying

Raluca Schachter, Guest Writer
Waking Times

In my previous post, The Smart Meters Hoax. Electromagnetic Fields Are Real And Dangerous To Your Health, I was mainly talking about these terrible devices that are being installed throughout US and Europe now and how this technology affects our health.

Fortunately, there is more one can do for protection than to uninstall smart meters and reduce electromagnetic exposure coming from cell phones, microwaves, computers, etc. There are a few key elements that I believe can successfully address this issue and dramatically reduce negative effects.


In order to stay healthy we also have to be connected to the healing energy of the Earth, we just have to BE on the Earth! Humans have been doing it for millions of years, by walking, sleeping and practically being mostly on the ground, not in a glass building with 30 stories, surrounded by wires and cell phones.

So, what is earthing? Multiple scientific studies involving biophysicists, electrophysiologists, medical doctors, and exercise physiologists have produced fascinating evidence demonstrating that direct connection to the Earth’s ground energy has a powerful and positive influence on the body. Plastic or rubber soles insulate people from the natural electrical surface charge of the Earth known in the electrical world simply as “ground.” All electrical systems in our homes, businesses, and industries, are stabilized and protected by the Earth’s “ground.”

  • New research has raised the possibility that this disconnect may actually contribute to chronic pain, fatigue, and poor sleep that plague so many people.

    The remedy for the disconnect and exposure to electromagnetic fields is simple. Walk barefoot outdoors whenever possible and/or sleep, work, or relax indoors in contact with conductive sheets or mats that transfer the energy to your body. People who do so on a regular basis say they sleep better, feel better, and have more energy during the day. Here you can buy the sheets and learn more about earthing:

    You can also watch below a video with Clinton Ober, author of Earthing, explaining the phenomenon and demonstrating how we get exposed to electromagnetic fields every minute of our days and nights.

    Detoxing And Eating The Right Food For Your Metabolism

    Detox procedures are actually essential these days. We are bombarded from any direction with an arsenal of toxic substances, and electromagnetic fields are adding up to the dangerous concoction. Luckily, part of the genetic intelligence in every cell is the ability to detoxify. If that was not the case, every cell in our body would die from autointoxication.

    But then how does the body become toxic and why would it need to detoxify ? 

    The answer is that in those people who need to detoxify, cells don’t have what they need in order to FUNCTION properly.

    Cells need raw materials – to chelate or pick up the toxins, energy – to move the toxins out of the cells, they have selective membrane permeability – the ability of cells to open and close their membranes appropriately, to let good things in and close to keep bad things out. But if your diet is not correct to meet your genetically-based requirements for nutrition, then none of these functions needed to detoxify will work properly.

    How should we detoxify our body and what can happen if we do?

    The greatest “detox procedure” anyone could ever do is to eat right for their unique metabolism or Metabolic Type. This is the first and most important thing, that will lead to balancing your body chemistry and seriously help with reversing health conditions and start detox processes.

    Detox is just a step in the whole very complex process of natural healing; it is just a tool, not a “cure”. Detox shouldn’t take place without previously preparing your body to do so. A pretty good digestion, liver, kidney and adrenal function are all required  in order to handle the whole process well and use it to your benefit.

    Otherwise, if the rate of cellular detox exceeds the rate at which the organs of detox can eliminate toxins from the body, then there will be a backup in the blood stream, producing all the various symptoms of detox (constipation, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, headaches, etc).

    In this case, a very “good” thing has become “bad” due to the rate of change that is occurring. All that needs to be done in such a case is to start “cycling” – a procedure that means taking the specific supplements on and off for determined periods of time, until symptoms subside. Carefully observing all these subtle or pretty obvious signs the body is sending us on a daily basis is the core premise of true natural healing.

    A very important and specific supplement that I use in all health protocols now, once the person is ready to detox is called D-TOXOLThis very unique and efficient supplement is designed to help the body eliminate in a very natural way anything from radiation, EMF’s, plastics, rocket fuel residue, BPA, phthalates, hydrocarbons, heavy metals, medications, fluoride, preservatives, aspartame, MSG, pesticides, and many others. It’s a novel new supplement incorporating focused detoxification and/or toxin blocking components in combination with a group of proven glutathione precursors and detoxification-organ support nutrients.

    As you see, until the day companies that provide such technologies will also consider human health in the equation, there are solutions to protect ourselves and get educated.

    About the Author

    Raluca Schachter is a passionate Nutritionist and Metabolic Typing Advisor®, with a background in both nutrition and communication/PR. She believes in traditional, unaltered food, ancestral wisdom, sustainable farming and living. Raluca was able to naturally reverse chronic health conditions she was struggling with most of her life, and now uses her knowledge to help as many people as possible do the same. Her health programs and diet plans offer a very unique and comprehensive approach to health, where individual nutritional and biochemical requirements are firstly met using specific nutrients and foods that each metabolism thrives on. This approach reveals why and how ‘one diet/herb doesn’t fit all’ and why ‘one man’s food is another one’s poison.’ Raluca currently resides in Garden Grove, CA and offers her services for local and distance clientele. For more information visit her website and blog or join Raluca on Facebook

    The Healthexcel Institute For Metabolic Typing

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