The Power of Sound – Acoustic Levitation and Healing Arts, to LRAD and HAARP

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

Sound influences our lives in countless ways. As subtle energy, it can heal the body and create harmony in the outward world. As not so subtle energy, it can be used to control people, cause damage or make the world dance.

The legendary comedian and philosopher Bill Hicks once stated:

“…all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves….”

Sound is vibration and therefore is a representation of the structure of all life; infinitely possible, infinitely unique.

  • One of the most exciting things about being alive today is being present to bear witness to the convergence of science and spirit, as the technology and understanding now exist to make the most mysterious and awe-inspiring aspects of life tangible to human ingenuity. At last, our intuitions about the importance of energy and vibration, something that we can sense physically within our bodies, is coming into the scientific eye, and sound is continuously being rediscovered as a universal treasure.

    Acoustic Levitation

    No longer are ideas like levitation and free energy guarded solely for the realm of science fiction. At the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, research scientists studying the power of sound waves have discovered a means of harnessing sound waves to physically levitate droplets of various pharmaceuticals. The research has been conducted primarily for the discovery of a new means of creating pharmaceutical drugs that are taken up more readily by the body, yet, in doing so, they have opened the door to a whole new way of understanding how sound influences our lives, while proving that levitation is possible.

    Watch this incredible demonstration:

    Sound as the Sacred Structure of Our Universe

    In recent years we have also seen many displays of how sound waves can actually organize sand particles into beautiful geometric patterns, restructuring themselves as though animated with their own natural life with a change in frequency.  Take a look at this fascinating demonstration of how the physics of sound work to organize our natural world:

    Sound as a Profound Healing Tool

    The healing properties of sound have been known for millennia, especially so in Chinese medicine and the ancient physical arts of Yoga and Qi Gong. From tuning forks to crystal bowls, sound has a tremendous influence on the well-being of the human body. In the five elements theory of Chinese medicine, each major organ of the body has a unique frequency to which it should be attuned, and the complex function of the larynx and throat make it possible for humans to reproduce healing sounds and vibrations to self-heal both minor and major physical and emotional illness.

    Here is an example of  a Qi Gong practice, utilizing sound and vibration to enhance the flow of energy and optimal health within the body:

    A Tool for Communicating with Non-Physical Entities

    In the Amazon and larger parts of South America, indigenous Shaman and Curanderos have for thousands of years used the power of sound to communicate with entities in the spiritual realm. Icaros, or medicine songs, are believed to be taught by plant spirits themselves to capable healers for use in plant medicine ceremonies with visionary potions like Ayahuasca. The songs are used to bring about healing visions to ceremonial participants as well as to call and dismiss various plant and animal spirits into the ceremonial space, and also to protect from negative energies and spirits. Experienced Ayahuasqueros know and can sing hundreds of unique Icaros to suit the occasion, songs which can be hypnotically melodic and beautiful or piercing, startling and bone-chilling.

    In this beautiful video, Shipibo Curandera, Maestra Rosa, from the Temple of the Way of Light in Peru sings a haunting and touching Icaro:

    Om. Sound as Spiritual Guide

    In Yoga and Vedic Hindu traditions, the short sound of ‘Aum’ plays a profound role in understanding the universe and our position in it. Pronounced in three elongated syllables, Aaaaaa, Ooooo, Mmmmm, this powerfully short word contains the symbols for the beginning, duration, and dissolution of the universe as well as for the associated gods BrahmaVishnu, and Shiva, respectively.  It is the manifestation of the un-manifest; the source of creation, the certainty of destruction. This sound creates a powerful relaxing vibration within the body, which helps us to align ourselves with the cosmos in order to receive and to give the highest, most positive energies to ourselves and to others.

    This magical sound has profound applications in the expansion of our ever-growing consciousness. Enjoy this calm and relaxing meditation:

    The Dark Side

    We humans are remarkable as a species in that we turn such a tremendous amount of our energy toward the destruction and subjugation of our own kind and our natural environment.  Here are a couple of examples of how we are witnessing science’s dark side twist a powerful natural force to suit the intentions of the wicked hearted.

    Sound as Terror

    As the police state grows up around the budding generation of Americans, we all watch somewhat helplessly as our human ingenuity is being applied to the science of control and domination, rather than exclusively to the fields of exploration and compassion. In 2009, at the G20 Summit protests in Pittsburgh, the American public got a first taste of the LRAD (Long Range Acoustical Device), a sonic weapon that emits intolerably loud messages and alarms, when police and military drove this massive high energy loudspeaker into neighborhoods and urban areas to prevent protesters from approaching the summit of world leaders. This type of technology is being deployed more frequently to cities and municipalities across America and will certainly become well known to many as the economy further crumbles, protests grow and the State further commits to brutal repression.

    Straight out of science fiction distopia, the following video shows this new technology in action on the streets of the so-called freest country on Earth:

    Sound as Directed Energy Weaponry

    Many independent researchers have concluded that recent ‘Frankenstorm’, hurricane Sandy, was actually modified and steered toward the Jersey shore by means of a powerful array of radio antennas headquartered in Gakona, Alaska, known as HAARP, The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. Also implicated in intensifying the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, HAARP is an ionospheric research effort that utilizes UHF and electromagnetic radiation to heat the earth’s upper atmosphere with enormous amounts of focused energy. HAARP is believed by many to have the powerful to enhance, diminish and direct geologic and meteorologic events world wide, as well as to disrupt normal human behavior and consciousness, thus it is considered by some to be the ultimate diabolical weapon.

    While much information about the intentions of HAARP remains speculative, there is an abundance of information confirming its existence, and a disturbing lack of government disclosure about its capacities. Here is a short clip explaining HAARP:

    No Mistake – Sound as Music

    “Without music, life would be a mistake.” – Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

    Music touches every human on earth, carrying with it the weight of all the great forces of human emotion, and nothing else on this planet says more about the vulnerability of the human spirit. I, for one, don’t think I would very much enjoy life without music, and this classic tune by reggae legend Steel Pulse shares this sentiment:

    Waking Up

    Waking up and arising in consciousness also means becoming more aware of how we as humans are integrated into a larger system of purpose and mystery. Becoming sensitive to how the natural world influences and enriches our lives gives us an opportunity to experience life in a more meaningful way, and empowers us to seek our greater potential.

    Read more articles by Dylan Charles.

  • About the Author

    Dylan Charles is the editor of Waking Times and co-host of Redesigning Reality, both dedicated to ideas of personal transformation, societal awakening, and planetary renewal. His personal journey is deeply inspired by shamanic plant medicines and the arts of Kung Fu, Qi Gong and Yoga. After seven years of living in Costa Rica, he now lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains, where he practices Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and enjoys spending time with family. He has written hundreds of articles, reaching and inspiring millions of people around the world.

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