The New Science: Magnetism and Plasmatronics Will Change Everything We Know About Health and Our Universe

Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

The developed world has dwelled on primitive technologies for far too long. Whether it be conventional aircrafts, primitive vehicles with combustible engines, or treatment systems that are worse for our health than the diseases they attempt to cure, there is no end to the stagnant lack of advanced technology available to humanity. All that is about change in less than a decade. Think about traveling at 40 times the speed of sound or being able to eradicate any disease even before it is ever created. Science will soon be unlearned and the new science will take over the planet. This incredible emerging technology is coming our way soon, and this time the people of the world will know it is here to stay.

  • The very first thing world powers do when their control systems are threatened (and they can’t elimate the idea) is they create a misinformation system to make people believe that powerful new emerging technologies are a hoax. That is fine as this is the game they play and we have all accepted that for decades. However, that time is now coming to an end, and the true hoaxers are now losing the game.

    Scientists have long yearned to understand the secret intelligence of creation and the mechanisms behind the maintenance of energy, gravity and motion that has been achieved in the universe. Thanks to new insights into these mechanisms and to new methods and technologies that mirror them, researchers have now found that a vast amount of energy and gravitational force can be generated within the core of a manmade reactor.

    The technology developed by The Keshe Foundation is a totally integrated system capable of creating energy and gravity in its core. Within this system energy is produced by the same means that govern the natural dynamics of Earth, using geomagnetic forces and principles to create energy, dynamic magnetic fields and gravity.

    Since 2002, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe he has concentrated on completing the full range of his technology for launching into the scientific world and industry. In September 2004 he was invited by a leading western country, through its government office organizations, to present his technology for evaluation. In March 2005, the report from the university declared that energy production through this new technology is feasible.

    Since the beginning of 2006 several prototypes of dynamic plasma reactors specifically designed to achieve lift and motion have been built and successfully tested.

    The use of plasma reactors for health purposes has been tested, in cooperation with doctors, and some of the results achieved in these trials can be seen in the Health section of the Keshe Foundation website.

    What Kesche has essentially proved is that it is possible to achieve lift by using gravitational positioning and without the use of fuel. Thus by utilizing the basic forces of nature, man will be able to construct new systems for flight in space, free of manmade fuels and the shackles of Earth’s gravity.

    At present our technology is being fully developed for hundreds of applications. These new developments are the tip of the iceberg of new opportunities generated by this new technology. Our development and design work on these reactors has led to many new discoveries in the past months, and there are many more to be made.

    Ultimate Jamming 

    The space defense technology developed by the Keshe Foundation using magnetic and gravitational force fields (Magravs) has proved to be the best method for blocking magnetic field communication systems at any frequency.

    The system is capable of jamming all communication lines and when used correctly can directly block all communication in a large area even from a distance.

    This means that with a minimum effort all satellite communications can be blocked.

    When this system is used effectively by forces that are active in a certain area, the opposite side cannot send information to its destined receiver.

    Barack Obama recently censorsed Keshe technology, proving their concern about how advanced the technology is and in reality the US does not have any system that can overcome such a powerful technology, and by means of the decree they are trying to outlaw new technologies so that they have an excuse to label organizations like the Keshe Foundation as a rogue organization.

    Rethinking Science

    The world of science and industry has been searching for ever for an efficient means to produce motion. The reality is that a method for delivering this at negligible cost has existed all along, and man only had to look within his own planet to find the answer.

    It is important to keep in mind that all large objects in space are made up of combinations of fundamental elements on the atomic and molecular level, and that between these elements various processes of building and decay are happening continuously.

    The strength of the magnetic field and gravity of planets depends more on the composition of the material(s) and the speed of motion in the central core of the planet than on the size, heat or any other factors in the structure of the planet or star.

    To have a comprehensive gravitational system, universal laws of physics have to be followed to the letter in the design of any workable apparatus or reactor if it is to achieve the creation of heat, magnetic force fields and gravity. However, magnetism and gravity can be created at all temperatures.

    It is a long-standing misconception in science that high temperature and high pressure are needed to bring about basic interactions between the elements of the periodic table.

    Let us remember:

    • Planets do not have wings, but they have been flying round in their orbits for millions of years.
    • Planets do not have engine rooms or jet engines fixed to them, but they create energy and are in motion in several dimensions at the same time.
    • Planets do not have exhaust pipes, but they burn fuel and create heat, some internally and some externally like stars.
    • Planets do not have any defense headquarters, but they protect their inhabitants with a magnetic shield called the atmosphere.
    • Planets do not have valves and gaskets in their cores, but they bring together the material they need to maintain their existence through natural laws.
    • Planets do not need to hold on to their matter and their inhabitants by attaching them or keeping them underground, but they create gravitational forces that are weak enough for them to be free to move, yet at the same time strong enough to hold on to them.
    • Planets and stars, using the natural laws of physics and materials, do all of these things, all at once and together, without separate machinery and control rooms and fuels. They do this as one fully integrated system.

    Thus for the first time in the world of technology and research, we have designed and tested a new system that functions according to the fundamental principles of nature, and demonstrates how all these effects can be very simply attained, all at the same time, and in a natural universal manner in one system.

    Rethinking Health

    In 2006, through the progress of different aspects of Keshe’s technology, a new dimension was added by using plasma reactors for medical applications. Initially simple single core reactors and then multiple core models were developed and tested.

    The first test results were encouraging in helping simple conditions, such as migraine relief, energy boosting, and so on. Following successful trials, in January 2007 full-scale testing was initiated and the results have been more than encouraging.

    Subsequently a number of plasma reactor prototypes have been designed and developed for medical use, a specific prototype for each illness. These reactors are based on the specific magnetic field configuration of the organ(s) to be treated using plasma concepts.

    Similarly we consider any living body to be a complex dynamic SEPMAF’s (Specific Entangled Plasmatic Magnetic Fields) system, and we treat it as such. Each organ of the body (stomach, kidneys, liver, lungs, brain, etc.), the circulation/vessel systems (gastro-vascular, lymph, nerve), glands, bones, muscles and all their contents (blood, single cells, DNA, RNA, genes, etc.) are also considered and treated as SEPMAF’s. In our view an illness or chronic sickness is related to imbalances in the body’s SEPMAF’s.

    Using The Plasma Reactors

    As described by Kesche:
    (1) The plasma reactor imparts specific electromagnetic frequencies to a quantity of water, which are transferred to the patient’s body when they drink it. Since we can configure the materials inside the reactor we can “tune” the electromagnetic radiation at preferred wavelengths depending on the state of the body, which itself is composed of more than 65% of water.

    (2) Similarly we use the reactor to add specific electromagnetic frequencies to air in a container that holds a variable amount of water vapor as well as other elements. The patient inhales this at regular intervals.

    When the new SEPMAF’s of the treated air and water are introduced into the body, through their dynamic nature they interact with the body’s less charged SEPMAF’s and deliver energies to feed them, replacing losses such as heat and supplying other needs.

    (3) A plasma reactor with its magnetic fields specially tuned according to the state of the patient is placed close to certain points on their body.

    By processing the patient’s intake (beverages and food) and/or by placing the specially tuned reactors close to the body, it is possible to alter the body’s energy levels, activate internal processes, add, reduce or influence specific SEPMAF’s and bring about other processes in the organs and cells. These interactions of plasmatic magnetic field forces lead to a change in the organ’s magnetic fields, and hence the return of the cells to their original SEPMAF. These methods have been tested with more than 20 volunteers in four countries and the results are encouraging.

    Test study cases are currently running in a number of fields with volunteers in four countries. These tests are/were carried out to validate the concept and establish its limitations. These include COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), Fibromyalgia FMS, Epilepsy, Overweight, Pain and inflammation, Migraine, Parkinson’s, Cancer.

    Here are additonal highlights to Keshe’s video above after his conference in Belgium.

    1) Moving 35-40 times the speed of sound is possible with this technology.

    2) This is Real and it is suppressed technology. China, Iran and Russia now have this technology and so too does Belgium and Holland.

    3) Health benefits of using a replicator to create Vitamins as a plasmatron.

    4) Any disease that has not even been generated yet, can be eradicated.

    5) His arrest (Dr. Keshe) by Canadian Authorities was a planned controlled operation and they confiscated all his belongings.

    6) following his arrest Dr. Keshe published everything taken from him, on the internet.

    7) Mach 35- 40 with wheel-less cars is possible on Earth but no more that, it is earths limit for humans.

    8) Space suits are not needed in space with plasma gravity magnet-tronics you go to that frequency.

    9) Magnets can be bi polar or single north polar at all sides These Mono-polar elements create permanent oscillation i.e. free energy.

    10) Create or replicate your own water from the atmosphere no matter where you are.

    11) Weightlessness in space in not necessary we just replicate that atmosphere and live with in it.

    12) Mars travel and well beyond is now a matter of time here from earth with this application of technology.

    13) Lady wakes from coma with these frequencies to the astonishment of hospitals.

    14) Reprocessing the body to eat and drink as the body demands is now possible in plasma circles.

    15) no need for hunger or drought.

    16) no person on earth should be without this concept principle and devices should be world wide.

    17) Plasma is a cell and we use the energy inside that atom and when we have used it we replace it in the atom and have damaged nothing, this is clean energy and Fukushima could be cleaned out at the correct frequency.

    18) CO2 from air ( the vacuum of space) could produce anything in a replicatior i.e. a solid steel tube.

    19) Light can make anything from more light to food, from earth for example, it is strong and can reproduce anything.

    20) His lights do not go out unless disconnected manually.

    21) In space we do not need to take anything with us NOTHING except this technology, and we can thrive where ever.

    22) No need for physical body for space and just energy only, the body will only interact with our cells.

    23) Once you understand the structure of the universe we can then see it is not possible to be alone in this galaxy.

    24) this universe is split out of these atoms , the same process…bigger gravitational fields, so we are part of universal cosmos.

    25) Crossing the universe is only a matter of a split second in human terms with this anti matter condition or transition energy.

    26) Principle matter or anti matter will come forward with this technology and our body can a-tune to different dimensions with light as a portable plasma.

    27) Light is a plasma shape form and changes “its jacket” so to speak and the light is due to the friction of the tool which is energy based on friction generated inside.

    28) The dark matter or sourcefields of energy are everywhere in the universe and are reachable with this technology.

    29) The BIG BANG THEORY is NONSENSE and the reality is EXPLAINED.

    30) Dr Keshe classic Quote ” This technology will not cause damage in any way to any body or living creature”.


    About the Author

    Michael Forrester is a spiritual counselor and is a practicing motivational speaker for corporations in Japan, Canada and the United States.

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